
Pumping, engorgement, flat nipples... help

DD is 6 days old, and my milk started coming in on Saturday.. I have flat nipples and she refuses to latch onto my breast even with a nipple shield so I've been pumping and bottle feeding.

How often should I be pumping? Every 2-3 hours like she eats, or less since I'm pumping more than she eats at each feeding? She eats 2 to 2.5 oz each time and I usually pump 4 each session. I'm so confused with this whole process. I'm worried the more I pump, the more milk I'm making which makes this whole engorgement thing much worse. 

 Basically I just need help. What can I do to help the swelling and pain that won't affect supply?

Also, any tips on getting DD to latch even with the flat nipples? Thanks in advance, any help is appreciated.

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