
Losing confidence - weight gain and nursing strike (any LCs around?)

DS was born on 6/15 weighing 7 lbs 14.6 oz and was 20". We struggled to get breastfeeding established and had regular weight checks in the first two weeks of life. He regained his birth weight by the second week (but lost 0.5" in height - I think his head rounded out, haha), and at six weeks he was 10 pounds 1 ounce. At his two month check up on 8/16, he was 11 pounds 2 ounces and was 22.5" long. His pediatrician seemed pleased with his growth.

He saw a pediatric cardiologist today, and he weighed 13 pounds 2.2 ounces and was about 23.25" long. I've looked at the infant growth calculator on Kellymom, and I'm feeling a big discouraged by DS's growth. Even though he's put on more than two pounds since August 16, that is only about 4.8 ounces per week, which is low for a breastfed baby per that site. My confidence is a bit shaken because 11 days ago DS started refusing to nurse, and we've had to offer the bottle even when I'm home. I've written to DS's regular pediatrician to ask whether she is concerned about his weight - but should I be?

DS normally has about 8 (cloth) diaper changes per day, and averages about 3 bowel movements per day. This past weekend it was a bit lower - I washed 19 diapers between Thursday night and Sunday afternoon.  I nurse on demand, let him pull off and then offer the second side (which he usually refuses). Most nights he wakes up around 2 to eat, then again at 5-5:30a, and I can usually nurse him again between 7-8a before I leave for work. While I am gone, he takes three 4 oz. bottles. I am usually able to nurse him twice more when I come home from work, though it's not as easy lately with this nursing strike.

I am just not quite sure what to do here. DS's weight is a sensitive subject for me due to the issues at the beginning. My husband is marginally supportive of breastfeeding so I can't really vent my frustrations to him. I know I have a great milk supply - I pump anywhere from 13-18 ounces when I'm at work - but I wonder if DS is just an ineffective nurser (though his latch doesn't hurt and I don't have cracked/sore nipples), or if he's just a small baby, or if we're underfeeding him when I'm at work (prior to my return to work he had 9 feedings per day and he ate more frequently than he does with my mom). I thought 4 oz. was on the high end for breastfed babies, but maybe he needs more?

Advice/thoughts welcome. Thanks in advance.

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