July 2012 Moms

I feel like it's the first week all over again

DD has had TERRIBLE nights since Thursday. Starting at 10:30, she would just scream and scream for hours until she passed out. The only way to get any rest was to put her in the K'Tan and sit up with her. Not my favorite, but turning her on her side, back, or tummy resulted in screaming.

I called the pedi first thing yesterday morning and they confirmed that her reflux meds (zantac) aren't enough in the evenings, even with her increased dosage to account for her weight. I paid a small fortune for Prevacid since I didn't have time to get the rx pre-authorized. It worked well...no screaming last night, yay! Except she only slept from 10:30-4, then woke up to eat (she normally sleeps 8-10 hours STRAIGHT). Ok, fine. I can deal with that. What I can't handle is her then staying up for 2 hours, before sleeping 2.5 more hours, then only taking 15-45 minute naps all today. She hasn't slept nearly enough today, is nursing constantly so my nips are just tired, and we're both exhausted.

Oh, and my flour has bugs in it (GROSS) so I still haven't made the stupid Pumpkin Poppers I need to make for MOPS tomorrow and won't be able to until DH gets home because when I tried to take DD to the grocery store, she screamed the entire way there so I just drove through Starbucks and went home. I just didn't have the strength to deal with a screaming child in a grocery store.

Please tell me there is some sort of 12-week growth spurt I don't know about and she'll go back to normal soon. I don't know how you girls with babies still waking every few hours at night do it.

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