July 2012 Moms

Should I get out more often?

How much are you ladies getting out of the house (for those of you that are still at home)? I don't seem to get out much at all when it's just Owen and I for the day - mostly just walks here and there or when we have appointments. It's such a hassle to get out of the house with him on my own that I usually don't want to bother. The two biggest things that hold me back are my pump schedule (every 2-3 hours during the day) and the fact that Owen is a demanding baby. He will not tolerate hanging out in his car seat if he's awake and he does OK if I wear him but I'm always fearing a meltdown. Besides, the only thing I can think to do is go shopping which I get done on Mon or Thurs when my mom is here for a couple of hours to watch Owen. I think I see people enough - mostly they come to me during the week and we go to them on the weekends - and I don't feel stir crazy but I wonder if I should be getting out more? What are you all doing with your days?
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