July 2012 Moms

WWYD Re MIL babysitting

Short version:  MIL locked herself out of our house while babysitting DD, who was in the house. I?m p!ssed and DH thinks I?m overreacting.


Long version: DD is spending two days a week at my mom's house and three days a week with MIL at our house.  We're very grateful that we don't have to pay for childcare and that DD can be with grandmas who love her.  I don't have a bad relationship with MIL but it's not great; we're not friends and she drives me bananas most of the time. DH acknowledges that she's crazy but generally brushes if off because he's used to her.


Yesterday was my second day back to work and MIL's first day with LO. I have a missed call and text about 2:00 saying ?help call asap? (which from her could be something really serious or something like I can?t find another roll of TP) so I call her and she?s telling me about how DD was being so good in her swing and then starts talking about some newspapers... then she tells me that she?s in the garage and that we?ve locked the door from the garage to the kitchen (we never lock that door) so she's locked herself out and DD in!  I call DH sobbing so he calls and tells her to call 911 because we work 30 minutes away.  As soon as the 911 operator answers she gets the lock picked open.  DD was asleep the whole time thank God!


When we get home from work, she doesn?t apologize or accept responsibility, almost insisting that she didn?t accidentally lock the door, no explanation as to why it was imperative that she go outside anyway (not like DH or I needing to get something from the deep freeze or take the trash out, she has ONE task: take care of LO!)


Not only that, she fed DD every two hours when I had breastmilk bottles prepared for every three hours.  She used blankets while DD was sleeping in her crib, so I had to explain why that's a big no-no.  And she wants us to show her how to use the Ergo so she can take LO on daily walks. Um sorry if you can't handle a doorknob then I don't trust you to wear her properly.  Plus we?re in the Midwest and it?s going to get really cold really quick.


So I?m angry that she didn?t apologize about the whole thing.  DH told me she "seemed really sorry" and that I shouldn't hold a grudge.  I know she?s raised two children (and did a great job with one) which is why I didn?t ever imagine it would be an issue, but I want to write out rules for her or something!  DH is totally over it and thinks it?s fine now.  Am I letting my temper cause me to overreact?  I honestly don?t want to upset MIL because she loves DD and is generally a good hearted person, but I now have serious trust issues leaving DD with her!  Would writing out house rules or wanting DH to have a serious talk with MIL be rude/crazy of me?  What would you do?


You?re a saint if you read all that and any advice is welcome and appreciated!

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