
Thoughts on giving up on a VBAC and doing a RCS...

I'm also posting this on the vbac board because I really need thoughts from both sides. 

I will be 39 weeks on Thursday and have an appt with my OB.  All along she has been supportive of my desire for a vbac.  She did not do my first L&D/Csection.  My previous records stated: Induction, dilated to 10, pushed 2hrs, baby didn't descend into birth canal.  LO was born 40wks1day via emergency csection weighing 8lbs9oz and 20in long.  When I asked my OB about a vbac and my chances she said 50/50.  A few weeks ago she ordered a growth ultrasound as my fundal measurements have been measuring 2 weeks ahead - nothing too concerning and they've been consistent.  Growth u/s was done on Friday, 38wks1day and the tech's measurements gave an estimate of I guess a 9lb baby as of that date, per the OB report.  The tech was honest with DH and I that they can be off by 2lbs.  She even said that one u/s she did, the measurements estimated a 12lb baby and baby was big but only 10lbs.  

Today the OB nurse calls me on my cell while I'm at work and says, "You have a big baby in your little belly.  Dr. wants you to keep the csection date."  I replied that we hadn't scheduled anything and that at last weeks appt, I had told the OB that DH would attend my 39 week appt and we could discuss the u/s and make a game plan for if baby doesn't come on it's own by whatever date we decide.  I know this is the nurse talking and not the OB but with my strong desire for a vbac and end of pregnancy hormones, I got off the phone and have pretty much cried on and off all afternoon.

I'm terrified that I will go to my appt Thursday and all I will do is cry.  I don't think my OB will push a csection but now I'm wondering if she'll ask me to consider it because of the estimated size.  I guess at what point to I really give up and go with the "Yeah, the baby might be too big lets just schedule something" ???  I don't want to feel like I need to be defensive.  I don't want to be disrespectful of my OB and tell her she doesn't know what she's doing, etc.  She's been in practice for 15 years and had two 9lb babies herself and she's TINY.  I just want to be given the chance to let things happen and see if things can happen on their own.  

I do not have hard feelings about my first birth.  I do not regret going through a long induction, pushing for 2hrs, etc because I at least TRIED.  I am really not sure how I will feel about this birth if I just give up and schedule a RCS.

At the end of the pregnancy, I'll have a baby and I know that's the big picture.  I'm just wondering if I should just give up and go with whatever is recommended... 

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