
Scheduled C-Section Guilt - advice requested

Thanks for all the help I've received so far from this board! It's really helped me come to terms with my breech baby/C-section situation! My latest issue is scheduling my C-Section. My doctor is awesome and supportive and is fine with letting me wait to go into labor (baby is in Frank breech position and she's not that worried about cord prolapse,etc) OR schedule my C-section for whenever I want (post 38/39 weeks). 

While it's great to have such an open-minded doctor, it's stressing me out. I have a C-section scheduled for 39w2d, but I'm starting to worry that not letting myself go into labor is somehow "cheating" baby and not letting him come on his own time frame. I will say I'm 100% sure on my due date (super regular 28 day cycle, early u/s that lined up perfectly), and he's been measuring BIG since 24 weeks. He definitely won't be small or anything at 39 weeks, just worried I'm cheating him out of that extra week :( .

Also my doctor mentioned today sometimes labor helps their lungs mature a bit by squeezing some of the fluid out, etc. Any advice? Would you wait to labor or leave the scheduled C-section at 39w2d? 

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