July 2012 Moms

These sleep posts...

Remind me that I have to seriously learn to sleep, too! Last night LO slept his longest stretch yet, 10-5, which is amazing...for him.  I didn't get to bed until 12 (I'm a super night owl and it's so hard for me to sleep before 11:30), and LO started fussing in his sleep at 2:30, so I was half-asleep rocking him when he'd make noise.  I'm the worst with waking up every so often to check on him - thank goodness he's right next to my bed - I don't know how I'd get up and go to another room to check him!

I'm exhausted today.  He got up at 5 and nursed till 6, then on and off again with me on the couch until 9, when I got up.  He was awake then but quiet, like he was patiently waiting for me to wake up, lol.

 I just can't turn the mom-check thing off...sigh.  One of these days, hopefully! 

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