1st Trimester

can someone translate dr language pls :)

I went in yesterday for my first u/s. she said i was very early on and wanted to do some blood work. 

Below is a message from my dr:

It was most likely early pregnancy when we spoke. The hand out we have it geared more for people who have bleeding and we have to test the hormone levels, technically speaking however since we did not confirm the viable pregnancy it is consider a threatened miscarriage. 

Your hormone level did come back and it is a bit higher than I expected. I would like for us to still proceed with the testing on weds and I am also waiting for the progesterone testing to come back. If the progesterone is less than 10 there is a new concern that this may be a miscarriage. 


I'm not understanding - is a higher hormone level bad?

Getting a bit nervous. Anyone else experience this?  


Married 07.07.12
BFP #1 EDD 06.04.13
Beta #1: 20,560 @ 20DPO, Beta #2: 37,945 @ 22DPO
U/S #1: 4w6d - too early to see baby, U/S #2: 6w2d - we saw the heartbeat!
*So thankful to God for blessing us with this miracle*

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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