July 2012 Moms

Growing out of the RnP?

DS is starting to look a little funny in the Rock N Play, his legs are either bent up or if he's scooted down they'll be straight but slanting up the end of it (if that makes sense). When I place him in it he's fine but he slides down a little and ends up like that.

He's about 25 inches long so I wouldn't be surprised if he's too long, I'm just 100% not ready for him to be in the crib. I wanted him to be in our room until 6 months, but there isn't room for the PnP or to move his crib in. He's up at least once but often 2-3 times so I really love having right next to me.

Is it OK that he's kind of scrunched up? Or is that bad for his legs?

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Oliver Jude born 7/23/12, our NICU baby
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