July 2012 Moms

Should I Change Her Sleep Schedule?

This might be a dumb question but here's the situation and the schedule:

-Lillian naps around 7:30-8:00pm

-Eats at 9-9:30pm and back to sleep for 3hrs.

-Eats at 12-12:30am.  However, she "sleep eats" for this feeding. 

-Sleeps for at least 7hrs.

-Eats, back to sleep for another 3 hrs


I see a lot of you ladies putting LO down at 8:30pm-ish.  Am I screwing this up by putting her down for the night after midnight?  I'd love to have her down for the night at 9:30, but she will wake up around 4am.  Do I suck it up and do a MOTN feed, or is it ok to feed her later (midnight) like I'm doing?  I'm dead tired at 9:30pm but I'm more tired at 4am ;)


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