July 2012 Moms

Sportin' wood

Since everyone was a little disappointed by my dirty nipples post I will give a post that is a little dirtier and more representative of its title.

Last night I got up to change and feed DS. Normally DH gets up to change DS and then passes him off to me for feeding. I could tell DH needed sleep since he didn't get up right away so I just did it. Anyway eventually DH heard DS crying while I was changing his diaper so he came to check on us. I told him we were good and didn't need anything and then I noticed something protruding through his boxer briefs. He had a boner! I laughed so hard not because I am immature but because it was hilarious to see DH bleery eyed standing in the nursery sportin' wood. As he turned to walk away I said "nice boner" to which he replied "it's cuz I am thinking of you". LOL! I laughed for like 5 mins about this.
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