July 2012 Moms

Need advice/suggestions (nbr)

Ever since I found out I was pregnant me and dh decided to take a shot at moving back home (louisiana), right now were in South Carolina and we just don't even know where to begin, in terms of real estate. Were looking to move within the next year, to hopefully be moved no later than Nov 2013. 

Dh has only been at his job about 4 months so we are hoping he can transfer by the time were ready to move. We are prepared for him to find other employment if that's not a option.

My main question is how do we handle the house/land? Do we sell first and move after the sell? Or rent/lease the house and go ahead and move and try to sell it while out of state? When should we list it, should we wait once we know about dh's employment situation or do it sooner? It just seems to confusing, this is our first house so I have no experience with this.

Im sorry if I seem like im rambling, I tried talking to a realtor yesterday and all she did was send me in circles about percentages and try to get me to put my house on the market YESTERDAY! I was like lady, whoa, i'm not moving for at least a year slow the eff down.

TIA for any input you may have 


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