July 2012 Moms

MSPI diet it is :(

Just got the official word from E's Pedi. I'm shocked because besides the change in LO's poop, she doesn't really show the signs of a baby in tummy distress too often. My choice is either wean ASAP and go to the special formula or start the MSPI diet today. I am so upset! I really worked so hard to be able to bf - have dealt with cracked nipples and poor supply and I don't want to give up! This diet looks incredibly hard though. I am off to Whole Foods tonight to get my feet wet (and budget out how much more $$ I will have to spend on groceries). The only upswing the Dr said is that I can expect to drop all the baby weight (and then some) quickly! Not a good enough trade though for having to say goodbye to all things dairy and soy :(  
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