1st Trimester

Pregnant and looking for a job?

I quit my full time job at a bank back in May so that I could go to school full-time (they were supposed to let me go part time, and didn't, LONG story) Anyway, since I found out I was pregnant back in August I've been looking for a part-time job to keep myself busy and earn some extra income since babies aren't cheap, and we need the extra money for the $412/mo payment to the OB.

 I'm starting to show, and I'm worried that if I go in for job interviews, people are going to see that I am pregnant and not hire me based on that alone. Anyone else had any experience trying to find a job while pregnant? I know its against the law to discriminate, but they can always find ways around it by just saying that you "aren't qualified"  I've mainly been looking at retail, since its getting close to the holidays and I'm hoping for at least something seasonal, but I'd really like to go back to banking part-time. 

 And if I get hired somewhere, do you tell them right away that you are expecting if you think they haven't noticed yet? Or do you let them figure it out on their own? So many things swirling around in my head! Any input would be appreciated. 


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