1st Trimester

scared scared scared

Hello ladies, I have been searching through old posts and reading on my current dilemma. I woke up this AM and had quite a bit of brown discharge followed at the end with some dark blood. i went to the bathroom again when i got to work an hour later and had a bit more brown discharge and pinkish brown as i kept blotting. I have NO carmps or pain, the usual odd twinges and NO bright red blood. I called my OB and said he was not concerned as this is normal for some women, its old blood, the only time to be concerned would be with bright red blood and pain. Well, I still do not feel better, with my previous two pregnancies years ago I did not have this issue.

I had a a transvaginal ultrasound on Friday, baby measured just under 6 weeks and we saw a heartbeat. I also had sex with my fiance yesterday morning, not sure if this what cause any of it?

I cant help to panic!!!!!!!!! 


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