
Opinions on my situation please

Hi ladies, I know there are questions on here about which is easier vaginal vs C-section and I have read through a ton of answers, I am just hoping for some fresh opinions and advice on our situation.

Our first DD was delivered vaginally but I had fourth degree tearing and a HORRIBLE recovery that took months. My doctor is concerned about the scar tissue tearing if I try for a vaginal delivery with this LO. The thought of 8 months of healing scares the crap out of me but the thought of a c-section does too. This LO is already measuring large and the doctor is not pressuring me but is certainly asking me to strongly consider the C/S. Do any of you have experience with horrible tearing and then an easier second labor or opting for the C/S?

Is it harder to nurse after a C/S, harder to lose the pooch? I feel like an emotional mess right now trying to make this decision. I know that I will do whatever is best for me and baby and I keep telling myself that having a c-section is not "failing" like some people think but my emotions are all over the place. How did you handle the emotional aspect of it?

Thanks in advance~

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