July 2012 Moms

Well, s h ! t.

So I posted yesterday ("Need your Poopinion") that LO was having 8-10 green poops a day, and her diapers have been 'off' for over a week now. I am glad I called pedi again and kept pushing, because they had me bring in samples for testing today...and she has Milk/Soy Protein allergy. Fck! I don't know all the details yet, have to go back at 2:45 for talk with Pedi. I am freaking out about having to change my whole diet! I feel like its so hard as it is getting enough healthy calories a day, now I am going to lose out on a lot of my typical options. 

 Anyone else here on the MSPI diet? I know its going to be a hard sell to my husband, who thinks the world is allergy crazy these days. I kind of thought the same before LO came along, but now I of course don't want her to be in any discomfort if I can help it!

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