July 2012 Moms

Leaving LO :(

So my grandpa passed away yesterday. Even though it was expected, I'm really sad. He was the sweetest man I've ever known- I can't remember a single time where he raised his voice, and he was always smiling. He and my grandma (who is still alive) were married for 63 years and my heart breaks for her. I never got the chance to say goodbye, so I definitely want to go to his funeral.

To make it worse, I'm going to have to leave DD while I go. She just got her vaccines last week and everything we've read says they take 2 weeks to go into effect. We've been very careful not to expose DD to too many people until she got her first shots. It doesn't make sense to expose her to my family (old people and teachers) at this point, so DH has agreed to stay home with her. Since my family lives 6 hours away, I'll need to be gone overnight. I know we are making the right decision and at least she will be staying with DH, but I was not prepared to leave her just yet. Has anyone else had to leave their LO yet?

Sorry for such a long post, but I am kind of a hot mess today.  :(

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