D.C. Area Babies

In-home daycare opening for an infant in Alexandria, VA 22306

My son's former in-home daycare provider has an opening for an infant starting now (but likely flexible on a start date). Felicita Villanueva is a loving, grandmotherly, care-giver and treats you and your child like a part of her family. She has a very clean, cheerful finished basement in which she has her daycare facility, with toys galore, a napping room, kitchenette to prepare bottles and meals (you provide your own formula/bm/milk/food) and she has a part-time helper. Her two wonderful daughters (who are also great baby-sitters) also come down in the afternoons to read books to the kids and play and sing songs. Felicita's home is just off Rt. 1 in the Hybla Valley area. She is licensed to have up to 5 infants/toddlers, so the daycare is small, intimate and her kids get a ton of attention, hugs, and love. My son learned some Spanish words, took his first steps, and went through lots of milestones at Felicita's. At 2, he was more than prepared to start early preschool. She typically keeps infants up until the age of 2, as infants are her specialty. Her hours are 7:00 am to 6:00 pm.

If you would like Felicita's contact information or have any questions, please email me at katyparente at yahoo dot com.  

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