July 2012 Moms

Bah Busy Weekend = Missed Fun on TB!

Ok so just got done going through the "important" (not to say they all are not important but seems to be a bad weekend to be away) posts from this weekend and I wanted to throw out some shout out's/weekend recap haha

The Compliment a Bumpie Post : too sweet!! you are all fabulous and Nell we would so be hanging out IRL if I was in Canada eh!... haha for some reason I feel a connection to my due date buddy :)  I was flattered as well to see my name pop up a few times for being sweet..I do try! 

Oreo's : umm yum, and thanks KarmB b/c I will now be ruining my diet  and buying some at the store with some ice cold milk tomorrow!

Maple Bush : BAHAHHAHAHA I literally pee'd a little bit reading those posts

Paranoia : im still working on figuring this one out but I am sure it will come once I have time at work tomorrow to continue catching up on posts

Doggie Momma : your DS is in my thoughts and prayer that they figure out whats going on and get him better ASAP and don't worry you LO will be fine with your mom, you have bigger things to worry about! 

So I think I hit all the high points...just wanted to give my shout outs to Nellrose, SallySunrise, KarmB, MissMusic, uppereastgal, cwm, doggiemomma, stokedwifey, eofagal (I think i got that one wrong lol), breannierobbie (I always remember you bc we are both in NC!), & the rest of my main squeezes who have been on here since wayyy back when, I love you all and if I could poop a rainbow right now I dam* well would because I feel so warm and fuzzy!

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