

It's taken me about 3 months, but I think I am finally at peace with the way my delivery had to happen.  It took a lot to get over the fact that I had to be induced and then 28 hours later and 3 hours of pushing I still ended in a C/S (something at the time I didn't care about, but when I got home the whole process hit me like a ton of bricks)

So 3 months, loads of questions to the doctor, tons of research for future deliveries and enjoying every waking moment with my DS I am able to look at my semi smiley faced scar and be proud of what I had to do to get the greatest gift ever!  I kind of like that my scar looks like it's smiling, it reminds me how truly happy I am in life right now and how happy my son makes me!

Who knows what will happen with my next pregnancy... if I'll have a vbac or a scheduled c/s... but that's okay :)

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