July 2012 Moms

Daycare concerns

I'm going back this week too.  I'm so concerned about leaving my LO at daycare.  My main concern is her safety.  I should say first that I have no "real" reason to be concerned about her safety.  I'm sending her to a daycare that two colleagues of mine have had their children in, both happily (one is still there).  There are no state complaints.  I have called the other parents as well, who love her.

I'm not sure if I would worried about any daycare, b/c I'm a first time mom and I'm nervous. But here is why I'm nervous: 1) daycare provider is about 70, and will have 6 kids including mine, I worry it will be hard for her to juggle all the needs of all the kids 2) mine will be the youngest (by far - next closest is 18 months).  I'm worried about the older kids harming her in some way (provider has told me specifically how mine will be kept separate or with her at all times - but what if she helps an older kid and doesn't take those precautions?). 

I guess those are the only reasons.  Does this sound like the ravings of a crazy FTM?  I'm guessing they probably are.  Did it take you guys some time to "trust" your provider or did you just trust them immediately? 

TTC since 2010
High FSH/Low AMH - DX DOR March/April/May 2011 Clomid - BFN; 6/2011 Femara - BFN
July 2011 Femara + IUI - BFN
August 2011 Injectables + IUI - BFN
Surprise BFP 11/2/11!!!
Beta #1 - 9; Beta #2 - 39; Beta #3 - 197!! Yay!!
11/19/11 - we have a heartbeat! Get comfy, baby! Baby girl born 7/12/12, she's perfect! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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