July 2012 Moms

Returning to Work

So I am heading back to work on Thursday and my baby is headed to daycare. I have been putting the fact that she has to be away from me all day out of my mind until the last minute and now it is hear. I am starting to get anxious and sad thinking about the first day dropping her off at daycare and heading to work. I already know I am going to be fighting back my tears all day.

 Anyone want to share how their daycare/return to work was the first day and now? Any bit of encouragement or stories would help.

I wish I has the ability to stay at home but I know she will learn so much and be socialized at school. I just can't imagine not being with her everyday and missing so much of her milestones.

 In my head I have already pictured her heading to kindergarden, high school and college and in every scenrio I am crying. Man this is going to be a long 18 years of worrying but it will be worth every minute :)

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