July 2012 Moms

Update on MIL drama..

So I decided to email my MIL.. mainly because I'm better at writing than I am talking face to face or even on the phone. I was very respectful but yet truthful. I just explained to her that I am LO's mother and I what I say goes. I don't need her "opinions" every time she comes to my house. Also, that when she does come over, to call or text first. So here's the highlights of her reply.

- You are not a skilled mother. You never will be. No one is. (Yet later in the email, she states how "important" her advice/opinions are. But wait lady, if no one is a skilled mother, that means you aren't either.. and that your advice/opinions are just as stupid as mine. hmm.)

- A happy home is always open to friends and family. (Right.. no comment.)

- You should have been more prepared when LO was born. You knew you most likely couldn't breast feed so you should have bought formula. (I hate her. No support what so ever.)

- I am his grandmother. I can.. and will.. do whatever I want to and with him. Grandparents spoil their grandkids and don't have to follow "rules". (Again- I hate her. I am the parent.. my rules over rule hers.)

- (Now to the rules) You have too many damn rules. You need to concentrate on more important things. (You know, because I have rules for the heck of it.. not for the IMPORTANCE of things like keeping my child safe.)

There's more but I'd hate to bore you with all of it. So, I noticed when she emailed me back that she CC'd DH in it. I just knew he would be mad at me for telling her how I feel. Surprisingly, he came home with about 35 pages printed off. Different things he printed off from the internet about "When a Grandparent tries over ruling your authority." and then "Your role as a grandparent.".. my personal favorite "You are not the parent. Take a back seat grandparent".

He was SO angry with his mom. She said some degrading and hurtful things in the email that was just uncalled for. He is going to bring her the articles tomorrow and will talk with her. I'm sure it'll go over well.. (I say this VERY sarcastically!) Oh well, she needs to learn her place. Just because she helps my SIL raise her kid(s) because her husband is crappy and SIL is lazy.. doesn't mean she has to do the same for us. Oh well.. We'll see how tomorrow goes.. 

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