July 2012 Moms

Tomorrow is the big day!

DS and I are moving back to WA ( where we are stationed) tomorrow!! Its been great having family and friends around while DH is gone but I'm ready to get into our own routine and do fun things that I haven't gotten to do yet like design his nursery! Our bags are mostly packed and I'm think I've prepared for the flight as much as I can. You have no idea how much stuff you really have til you try to fit it all in 3 suitcases. Needless to say, we're having my mom and MIL ship quite a bit. I'm nervous, but so ready to find a house, get settled, and get ready for DH to come home! :)
photo 61daa0ab-1331-48ad-954e-59ad63be3237_zps02c1eae6.jpg Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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