1st Trimester

Overwhelmed by possible bullshit

Hi all! I'm roughly 6 weeks pregnant with my first :) and well, honestly, I'm more than a little overwhelmed. I really don't even know where to start. That's "omg, I'm so excited!!" Has turned into "what? I can't do xyz, why?" Or I should do "abc, why?"

I feel like there is too much information out there and I have no clue how much is useful and how much is just, well, bullshit. Do I really need to read 50+ books on pregnancy? Haven't women been doing this for thousands of years?

 My mom's advice was just eat REAL FOOD (sorry snickers or hot pockets. you don't count) take my prenatals, and sleep and I'm good. At least, at this point. But now after reading thebump's section on the does and don'ts I'm freaked out. O.o Help??????? 

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