1st Trimester

Just told the husband-- UPDATED AGAIN to add PIC!

MANY thanks to Anne Mommy for the idea in my "Predicament" post. Background: my H came back into town today after being away since Wednesday. I got my BFP yesterday, and I have been dying to tell my H, but I wanted to wait until he was home. My predicament was that my parents are also in town and staying at our house, so I needed a way to tell him without them knowing, but still be special.

Anyway, Anne Mommy said to have my DD make a card and me sign it, "Mommy, DD, and little peanut." Well, I didn't have time to make the card, so we stopped at the store on the way to the airport and grabbed a kid-type card that said, "It is impossible to tell you how much I love you, but if I had to I'd tell you with a million hugs!" I had DD draw a picture of our family on it, then draw an extra baby. Then my DD signed it, and I wrote from "Wife, DD, and Baby #2."

So we got to the airport and as I knew would happen, H wanted to give DD the present he got her while away. She loved it (Hello Kitty pillow toy), and I thought that since we were giving presents, it would be the perfect time to give him the card. So I told DD to say, "We have a present for you too, Daddy!" Then she gave him the card. 

He opened it, read what DD did and said, "Awe! Thanks baby!" Then he read the signature that I wrote. The looks: First confusion, then shock, then pure, pure joy and happiness! He said, "Wha-- really?? Are you pregnant? Really?! Oh my goodness, that's incredible!!" 

Of course I was crying when he looked up at me. Lots and lots of hugs and kisses followed. It was fantastic. :) 

 Sigh... it couldn't have gone better. I am so in love with my husband right now. :) 



Norah is here! Born on July 16th, 2009 7lbs 0oz, 19in and PERFECT! My Blog--Baby Steps, Foot Steps, Leaps, Bounds, Milestones
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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