March 2013 Moms

saw psychic today

my friend had a psychic visit her house today and i had a reading and wore a big baggy shirt and tried not to let her know i was pregnant but the second thing she said to me was are you about 4 mths now, i said yes and she said i see you holding a baby boy. well i guess we will see how accurate she is in a few short weeks. she said she kept feeling flutters and if i wasn't feeling the baby yet i would shortly. she asked if it was my 4th child and i said no my 3rd and she seemed confused but i told her i did have a miscarriage in feb and she said that would have been the 3rd child she had seen. she was very right on with all the other aspects of my life so we will see. if not for anything else it was entertaining and a fun morning.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic image DD #1 1-31-02 DD#2 9-26-08 BFP#3 1-31-02 mc 2-23-12 BFP #4 EDD 3-22-13 KACIE
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