July 2012 Moms

Something isn't right with LO

DD had a fever Thurs and Fri.  About 102.  Pedi said i didn't have to bring her in because my DS had it earlier that week and it was the same symptoms.  So we were giving her some tylenol and she is fever free now.

However, her mood/feeding has drastically changed.  She cries so much now.  She cries loudly that she is hungry out of nowhere, we try to feed her, she only eats half and cries her eyes out some more.  If you stop feeding her for a second, she gets herself in a tizzy and refuses to eat after that.

Is it just because she is getting over being sick?

Another thing I thought is that on Friday I just started taking Fenugreek and maybe it is affecting the taste of the milk?  I am going to give her all formula for a day or two and see what happens.  DS has been drinking it no problem.

Its just so sad that she has become SUPER-FUSSY and she is never like that! 

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