July 2012 Moms

LOL just got told by a five year old

Maia has been going through a growth spurt and she's on the breast one second, sleeping fitfully on me on the couch the next...  And the whole house has had to sort of chill out as a result.  Jack (DS) has had to start wearing headphones when he watches netflix on the iPad when he's out in the livingroom with us and he needs to be quiet.  We made everywhere but his room the "quiet space" when the baby is around and trying to sleep.  If he wants to be loud and crazy he can go to his space.  He's been fine with it.

Well, just now we got the baby to go to sleep in her crib and stay asleep (whee!!) And DS said "YAY!" at Curious George kinda loud and we were like. "SHHHHH!!!" out of reflex.  He took off his headphones, looked around, and said, "Why?  Maia's not in here..."

I stopped...said: "Um....you're right...go on, sorry about that.  But if the baby comes back out here you know to be quiet, right?" and he was all, "I know." in kind of a "duh mom, I know the rules" way and put the headphones back on.

Good kid.  

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