July 2012 Moms

To those with dogs...

I am curious if you have ever had a dog with this problem.  All of a sudden our youngest, smallest dog is scared sh!tless of walking on our hardwood floor.  I have heard of this happening before with a relative's dog, but that was when the dog was elderly and going a little batty.  Our dog has only just turned three years old.

Any ideas on how to deal with this?  It's troubling because our plans were to replace all the carpets with hardwood or laminate, but I have been struggling the past few days to get the dog into the dining room where her crate is to get her to eat (food bowl is in the crate).  I have just been giving up and putting her food bowl on the rug she is cowering on.  It's almost like the doggie version of the-floor-is-lava game.

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