July 2012 Moms

Is this "normal"?

Up until now, DD has been a consistently good napper. Over the past week, she has been fighting them like crazy and then getting super crabby. Once I finally get her down she's awake in like 20 minutes [she used to stay asleep for at least an hour].

She still sleeps a 5 hour stretch at night and then usually another 2...but she has been fussing from 3am to 6am lately too [waking up every 30 to 60 mins].

The real kicker is that her reflux seems to be under control and we have no issues with eating at the moment. So of course this pops up! She's 10 weeks today, 9 if you want to get all technically and go by EDD. Thread doesn't seem to be any growth sport or wonder week that coincides with this age...plus she's not really eating more. I never noticed any of the other typical growth spurts with her though so I guess I don't know what I'd be looking for.

Insight? Is this just normal baby behavior and I was just lucky to escape it up to this point?
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