July 2012 Moms

Please Say Yes! (MM, Sally, Joi, Karm come in!)

Dear July 2012 BMB,

This has been a long time coming. But yesterday's paranoia/lovefest pushed me to finally go for it. I super, super regret not joining y'all much earlier. I've been following along since Christmastime, but never got up the nerve to intro. By the time I really wanted to join, I was afraid MissMusic would "hi" me into oblivion  and then the craziness with the pedophile struck in the June board and I freaked over internet security. I know, lame. SO here goes...

I'm Jules, I'm from a big southern city, have known my hilarious husband since we were 11 (!) and am a marketing director at a children's hospital. Our first son, Tripp (nickname because he's the third, named after his daddy and grandfather) was born in mid-July via surprise c-section under general anesthesia and I am still reeling over having "missed" his birth. We also have an adorable yorkie mix doggy named Harry Barker who truly believes he is a person. Once I can figure out how to do siggys and pics, I would love to post some. Any pointers on that? Other details: I am BF/pumping and have extreme oversupply to the extext that we purchased a deep freeze which is now totally full. I have not one but two MILs (DH has a mom and a stepmom) who are both equally nuts. 

I'm the first of my girlfriends to get married and definitely the first to have babies, and there are so many times I wish I would have posted here for advice, comiseration, or just laughs. For example, the time that like a crazy person I went bathing suit shopping 6 weeks PP (seriously, why?) and sprung a MAJOR boob leak in the Target dressing room. In addition to having a quasi- nervous breakdown over the size of the swim suites that were not even close to fitting...

So here I am now, on the verge of going back to work on Monday. I've always been so career minded so it took me by surprise that I would now give anything to be a SAHM. But it's not in the cards right now, and LO is headed to a fabulous daycare. And I really need allies in Mommyhood more than ever. And you girls are truly fantastic. In the spirit of the crazed Facebook nazi who wanted people to apply, I need MM, Karm, Sally, Joi, Nell, CWM, Megs, jfresh and anyone else to tell me I'm kosher to join. All in favor? (Please say yes, please say yes!)


Jules (perhaps the dirtiest lurker of them all who is finally coming into the light) 

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