March 2013 Moms

How to keep peace of mind...

Ok honestly I don't know how to word what I'm feeling or what I'm trying to say..but here goes....this is my first pregnancy and my biggest concern is a continuous heartbeat. I am 16 weeks and I suppose it's too soon to feel the baby move. I've been lucky enough to have had two appointments since my 12th week and both indicated a strong heartbeat. I can tell that my stomach is growing so it's reassurance that baby is growing too. Actually, I just heard the heartbeat at my appointment last Friday. And I always feel re-charged and reassured afterwards. But a week after the appointments I find myself thinking "I hope all is still well" and worrying a little. My next appointment is Oct 22 for the gender U/S. I will be 20 weeks then. I don't know if I can expect to feel movement by then but I don't know how to get to the "all is well" point in my mind before then. I can't wait to get to the point where I can feel the baby move on a regular basis. Until then I just can't get total peace of mind.
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