July 2012 Moms

I'm so done with doctors!

I had to get a physical with my pcp for school- as if I haven't been to a doctor a million times this year! ugh, whatever! So, my PCP is giving me a hard time b/c I'm up 10# from this time last year. Um... Hello!? she's sitting there telling me to replace 1 meal a day with a salad... is that even enough calories to compensate for nursing? And it's not like she forgot I just had a baby, he was sitting in his car seat next to me pitching a fit! And the icing... I am positive she forgot to put in the lab orders for my Rabies titer. So glad I don't have to step foot in a dr office until Cooper's pedi in November! I hope I didn't just jinx that, watch me get bit tomorrow at work!
"Parenting is a constant struggle between making your kid's live better and ruining your own." Willie Robertson, 'Duck Dynasty' Anniversary january sig Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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