1st Trimester

Epidural, natural or C sections, please share!

I know it's pretty early but a friend of mine & I were talking about pregnancy and birth. She has had both a epidural and natural births, and she said she preferred natural. I am a new mommy so it got me curious. She said b/c with her first (the epidural) she had spinal headaches for a week and tore way too much, and it was really surreal to give birth while not being able to feel anything down there. With her second and third which was natural, she said she could feel herself more and was in more control of how much she could handle at a time. She said it was extremely painful but bearable. My mother in law immediately told me (as soon as I got preg) to "not be a hero" and take the meds. I could careless about being a hero. I wanna know what my body is feeling so I can better control my pushing, and I consider myself to have a decent pain threshold. So! with all that being said, tell me how your past experiences were. 
IAmPregnant Ticker
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