1st Trimester

1st ultrasound today

I've been having bleeding for the last almost two weeks, to the point where there are clots sometimes, but never any pain.  So I went in for an early ultrasound today.  I thought I was 6 weeks and 6 days, but the baby is measuring 5 weeks 4 days.  The good news is that there was a heartbeat.  The ultrasound tech said that at 6 weeks 6 days it should be about 100 bpm, but it was a little less.  She said not to worry and that she thinks things are just starting up, then the dr called and said measuring that far behind isn't "normal" but it's not really that bad and that everything looks great.  He changed my due date from 5/19 to 5/27.  I'm just kind of nervous about measuring that far behind and the heartbeat.  They never did figure out where the bleeding is coming from, but it doesn't look like it's affecting the baby, so they aren't worried. 
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