1st Trimester

Surgery while pregnant?

Hi all!  I wanted to share my crazy story and see if anyone out there has experienced anything like this.  Its been a wild past few weeks and I'm still in shock.  :)

I have a history of kidney stones and have since I was 19.  I am now 27 and just celebrated my first year of marriage with my wonderful husband.  After battling what I thought was frequent kidney stones at least once a month for the past 6-8 months, my urologist began to investigate further.  They noticed on my most recent CT scan that my gall bladder was about twice the size it should be and suggested I follow up with a gastroenterologist.  The gastro doctor then sent me for several tests including an ultrasound of gall bladder and a Hida scan to test my gall bladder function.  They found no stones but found that it was not functioning properly and then referred me to a surgeon.  I met with the surgeon on a Friday and they scheduled me for surgery the following Thursday.  (My boss was just thrilled since I had already been out 3 weeks by this point)

On Thursday I had to be at the hospital at 5:30am and surgery was scheduled at 7.  They got me in a gown and hooked up to an IV line and started prepping me for surgery.  At 6:30 the anaesthesiologist came into my room and informed my husband and I that he could not give me any drugs and that I would not be having surgery today because I am about 4-5 wks pregnant.  This being a complete shock explains why I only remember some of what my surgeon had to say about doing the surgery later on in the 2nd or 3rd trimester. 

While we are very excited and looking forward to having our first child, this was quite a way to find out and we are very anxious and nervous about what has yet to come.  I have never had surgery before and having my first surgery while pregnant only intensifies my fears associated with it.  Sorry this post has turned out so long but if anyone has any insight from personal experience with surgery while pregnant I would love to hear it.

  Thanks so much and good luck to all of you!  :)

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