March 2013 Moms

Another Spina Bifida update...and gender!

It's a BOY!!  We are so excited to have one of each!  Our afp was elevated in our quad screen so we had the ultrasound which looked at the spine and brain and everything looked NORMAL!  We decided not to go for the amnio for extra reassurance (I am just too scared of miscarrying, and am fairly certain this baby does not have spina bifida).  I need a whole bunch of extra ultrasounds now (check for fetal growth and any distress for the baby towards the end) because an elevated afp puts you in the high risk pregnancy category.  The chances of spina bifida going undetected in all 10 extra ultrasounds I will have is very slim, and after evey normal ultrasound, my risk will continue to drop by 90%.

All in all, I'm feeling much better, and am still glad I did the screening tests!

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