July 2012 Moms

Night time feeding dilema: WWYD?

Here's the situation: DH can't get up at night for feedings. He takes a long time to wake up and promptly falls asleep when feeding LO. I wish he could do this, but it just isn't safe. However, he can stay up late and take the first late night feeding. This worked fine when LO was getting up at about 1:30-2:00 (he goes to bed around 9:00). However, now he is getting up at about 2:30-3:30, which is good, except DH tries, but can't stay up that late, so I end up getting up with LO. Up til now I have told DH not to wake LO up to feed him around 1:30-2:00 so he can do the feeding because I wanted to get LO to sleep through the night eventually. Now that I am going back to work soon, I would really like not to have to do that feeding and just get up at 5:30 or so for the second night feeding (and then stay up for work instead of going back to bed while DH sleeps in). Do I start having DH wake him up at 1:30-2:00 for his feeding or do I just keep doing it in hopes that LO will start sleeping though the night soon? Or should I have DH wake him up during the work week, but then see how long LO will sleep over the weekend when I can sleep in more? Or some other alternative? Hope that made sense.
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