1st Trimester

No symptoms & spotting

I got my BFP this past Sunday ;) Haven't really felt pregnant at all with the exception of some light cramps/twinges.  This morning I woke up begging for symptoms - anything, I'll take throwing up just to have reassurance something is going on.  This morning I noticed some light pink blood when I wiped but only when I urinated.  Not if I just wiped.  Freaking out, I called the doctor.  Based on my last period I would be 5 weeks tomorrow.  My doctor ordered lab results at the hospital.  My beta level is 3891.5 but they did notice slight bacteria in my urine ( I had a severe bladder infection almost two months ago that was cleared up with medication).  Anyone else have spotting and or bacteria issues?  Anyone know if that beta number is good?  I'll call my doc in the morning to see what they say as I only got the results by calling the lab myself.  I'm totally freaking out.  Been trying for over a year and this would be our first.  
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