1st Trimester

Abnormal Ultrasound

Ok, so I have found absolutely nothing regarding my issue anywhere, google, boards, etc. So I'm asking here if anyone has had a similar experience. Anyway, we went in for an ultrasound last week, I was supposed to be 8 weeks but measured 7 weeks 4 days which is totally fine. The heart beat was 145, ok great. So we go see the nurse practitioner immediately after the ultrasound as planned for my first prenatal visit. Shes talking like everything is totally normal and then she drops the bomb. Apparently the baby isn't growing "symmetrically. " So we ask, well what the f does that mean? She couldn't give us an answer, just said, "It's not usually what we see at this point. There's a lump here... A bump there.." WTF! So we go back in next Thursday to see how things look, hoping it has resolved itself... But I just don't have a good feeling about this at all... They are already referring us to MFM, of course we can cancel if the next ultrasound looks normal, but what the hell?! I'm going to be soooo anxious the next 30 weeks. GAH! This sucks!!
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