Pregnanct after a Loss


So I have been lurking and posting every once in awhile but figured I might as well introduce myself.  We are so excited to be welcoming our 2nd LO in April of next year.  I am currently 11 weeks pregnant and have a DS who is the light of our life.  My DH and I have been married for almost 10 years. 

 A little about my past...We have been TTC since 2005.  Went through a bunch of infertility treatments (about 3 years worth and included 3 rounds of IVF).  None of them worked although the last 2 IVF treatments resulted in early m/c's at 4 1/2 and 6 1/2 weeks.  We were devastated and decided maybe it wasn't meant to be so we decided to take a break.  Well, about 1 1/2 years later I wasn't feeling well one day so my husband told me to take a pregnancy test.  I didn't want to of course (I thought it was a waste and deep down inside I liked that little bit of hope that it was possible).  I took one anyways and it came back positive.  We were so excited and found out we were 13 weeks preggo already.  That was the best news I have ever gotten.  Now, we are expecting #2 (again naturally surprisingly) and are so excited that our DS is going to have a sibling that we never thought possible.

I love reading all the posts and hearing about everyone's progress.  It is so nice to hear from other women who are going through the same things or have been through the same things.  I look forward to getting to know you.

Sorry this is so long...sometime I can get a little wordy.

 P.S.  I am also on the April mom's board.  I hope that is okay.  I am new to the "community" thing so I am not sure of ettiquette.  Please forgive me if I mess something up.  It is not intentional.  Big Smile

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