1st Trimester

BFP after IUI

Hi ladies. I'm still very new here, just started posting on Pregnancy after IF yesterday. But wanted to get to know moms to be and I look forward to getting to know you all. After almost 2 years of IF, we had our first IUI on Sept 12th. I got my BFP yesterday with a HPT. I had my first blood work today and it came back positive! I'm not too sure what the number means, but I'm guessing it's the HCG levels. It came back at 241. I'm not exactly sure how far along we are, but can't be no more than 4 weeks at the most. Second beta will be this Saturday. Praying that it comes back at whats expected at this stage. After a MC in the past, it's so nerve recking. I'm trying not to worry so much, but it's really hard not too. Thanks for listening.

Married 11/28/01. Me: 31- Elevated FSH 9.1 Hubby: 35- Low sperm count/mobility/ RA meds. TTC since Oct 2010. BFP- Nov 2010, ended in MC Dec 2010. Laporoscopy for possbile ectopic/D&C. TTC again since March 2011- no success. Fertility Dr- May 2012. Lots of B/W, HSG, Laporoscopy. All came back normal. Determined it was a male factor. IUI#1- Sept 2012. Clomid, 2 shots of Bravelle, 1 trigger shot of Ovidrel and daily progetrone suppositories. 4 Follicles,3 good ones, 1 small one. TWW.
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