1st Trimester

Freaking out - thoughts please with no judgment

I am in shock and very confused right now, so please be gentle with your opinions!  Last week at our first u/s we discovered that we were having twins and couldn't be more ecstatic.  Today at the second u/s, my RE realized that it's triplets.  The third is a little behind the other two.  My RE is bringing us back in 2 weeks for another u/s.  He wanted us to start thinking about the possibility of doing a Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and then selective reduction.  At this point, I cannot even imagine ending the life of one of my LOs.  He stressed though that we need to talk about the complications that could arise and the fact that all three babies could have problems should we go through with the pregnancy as is.  Again, after waiting and praying for a baby for this long, I can't even fathom going through with SR.  But, is this something that we should consider?  I am so overwhelmed right now and can't even think straight.  Any insight would be greatly appreciated. 
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