1st Trimester

Would you fib about your pregnancy to book a massage?

Just curious though ultimately it's a question only I can answer for myself. ;nbsp;I believe all the reading I've done that there is no risk associated with massage in the first trimester, but the vast majority of spas will not agree to work on you in the first tri.nbsp;We are going on our first vacation without the kids next week to CA wine country. This has been 4.5 years in the making, and we sure didn't plan on a stowaway, but here we are 6 weeksish. Since I can't enjoy the wine, sushi, oysters, etc I was looking forward to, I feel at the very least entitled to a nice massage at the onsite spa where we are staying. The spa factored into my choice of lodging. Their website says prenatal massage is offered only for 2nd and 3rd trimester.Annoying. I know, and they probably know, that there is nothing unsafe about it. It is strictly for liability because a distraught woman who miscarries might point the finger in her grief.nbsp;So, would you fib about being pregnant if you personally were satisfied as I am that there is no actual risk?nbsp;
~formerly Bride2bMO~
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Zeus and Bubba
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