1st Trimester

TTC- but I get more encouragement from you moms-to-be!

Hey ladies!

So, I FINALLY worked up the courage to open the "figure out what is wrong" door after a year and 7 months of TTC. Today I had the blood work done for day 3 of my cycle. Tuesday I will go in for my HSG (not looking forward to it)...then I will use an OPK, and once I get an LH surge, 8 days later I will go in for more blood work. Any suggestions on which OPK I should use? Some of them seem to be more "black and white" than others. Ones I have used in the past havent always given me a clear indication of an LH surge.

Any encouraging stories would be great. At this point I am kind of hoping something is off so we have an explanation and a plan, but I am of course praying it isnt anything too serious!!

 Thanks to all for your support :)

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