1st Trimester

Roarrrr! Venting!

I'm gonna vent here 'cause my hubby isn't home.

What a crappy day! I hated everyone today. It took all of my self control to not freak out at work. We had a field trip today (I'm a teacher) and I felt like I was going to barf and/or pass out on the bus. All of the kids and all of the other teachers all pissed me off all day long.

Earlier this evening I got legitimately mad at my husband for not plugging in my iPad charger for me. Yeah.

We went out to dinner, which was fine because I'm not feeling nauseous anymore. I got a big salad and I really hope it helps me poop.

Came home to a parade of ants in the kitchen, which led to a cleaning spree. Not sure where I got the energy for that.

Now I'm sitting in the couch, feeling bad about not having sex with my husband for almost two weeks, with my pants undone and my belly looking like I'm about a million months pregnant already. And I have cramps.

 Thanks for listening.



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