July 2012 Moms

daycare it is

The other day I posted about our child care options, involving either our moms or daycare combined with our moms helping out. We had reservations about the one place only because they don't have a secure door. You walk in the front door and there's just a gate to get in. But there's always someone up front, the infant room is in the back and the place is across the street from the police station. There is another center we considered but just can't afford.

I think we are going to send her to daycare three days a week and have our moms alternate the fourth day DH has Fridays off. My mom came over today to watch her while i did stuff around the condo and well, I'm just not impressed. I just don't think she has the patience. I also don't see her getting down on the floor and playing with her. Her driving is atrocious so I don't trust her to take LO anywhere. And I've made my feelings about my MIL known on this board plenty so I won't get into why I dont want her doing it more than one day a week.

I'm not sure why I'm posting this. I guess i needed to get this off my chest to feel better about it. Or maybe hear that it sounds reasonable. The center is not perfect. But i really like a lot of things about it. Especially that they typically have a 2 to 1 ratio and DH works just blocks away.
TTC since October 2009
2 failed IUIs with Clomid
IVF #1, ER 10/29/2011
ET 11/3/2011
One embryo transferred, four frozen
11/12/2011, BFP, 11/13/2011, BFP, 11/14/2011, BFP First Beta 11/14/2011, 499
Second Beta 11/16/2011, 893
Third Beta 11/18/2011, 1510
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